Čaute všetci naši priaznivci, toto je dlhý e-mail.
Predstavte si čo musíme
v súčasnosti zažívať. Našiel sa čudný človek menom Igor Babej (t.č.0905403832),
ktorý sa chová ako nepriateľ Múzea číslo 1. Nielen že nám ľudia nechodia na
koncerty, ešte sa nájde aj mentálne nevyrovnaný muž, a toto je svetový unikát, ktorý vypisuje e-maily, alebo sa aspoň snaží, priamo umelcom,
kde naše snaženie úplne dehonestuje,
aby u nás nehrali, ale hrali v inom klube, takto sa mu podarilo
zrušiť koncert v piatok 17.12.- Uliho Jon Rotha. Vypátral som si
ho jak tajný po internete a poďakoval som sa mu. Od Talianskeho partnera
som sa dozvedel že takto sa snažil vyzvať Carla Palmera
už 22.10., aby nehral v marci u nás. Fakt som čakal všelijaké hovadiny, ktoré nás môžu postretnúť pri tomto snažení, ale
toto ma ani vo sne nenapadlo. Uvádzam tú korešpondenciu tak ako bola. Ak si to
prečítate rozum Vám zastane. My to už nemáme
ani chuť celé robiť. A to sa nám
ešte kvôli Palmerovi vyhráža jedna pani z Györu, ktorá má pocit, že ohrozujeme jej festival, sranda je , že sa fakt volá Csurák
Erzsébet. Našťastie sme si s priateľským Ulim J. Rothom všetko vyjasnili a náhradný
termín bude na jar 2011.
Čaute, Marcel Juck, Múzeum obchodu Bratislava.
Tu je tá korešpondencia
z 10. – 13.12.2010:
10.12. poobede som od Stefana z International Rock agency dostal toto, čo mu písal Roth o správe od idiota :
Hallo Marcel
Uli Jon Roth got this email below and now doesn t want to play your club.
Do you know this guy?
Hallo Stefano,
Wegen Bratislava: bitte knicken:
Habe folgendes Mail bekommen - und mit Band kann man da nicht spielen...
from: igor_babej@hotmail.com
Dear Mr. Roth,
I am very pleased about your concert which will be on 17.12.2010 in Bratislava, Slovakia. But please let me tell you the truth about the place, where it will be - MUZEUM OBCHODU (MUSEUM OF TRADE).
This \"concert hall\" is fucking bad place for rock\'n\'roll !!! !!! !!!
It\'s very
small (long and narrow - only about
Please, if it\'s possible, try to contact following music club: ..... is right place for rock concerts!
Lot of people here want to enjoy the great music of Uli Jon Roth!!! So give us the possibility to have an outstanding music experience we will never forget!
Long live Rock\'n\'Roll!!!
Igor Babej
Ja som aj Stefanovi aj Rothovi poslal toto:
I´m very, very sad with this. I never heard and seen about this type of communication between some unknown man and artist. I don´t know this guy. I began to search like secret policeman on internet and I found this guy in one chemical company. He used to go to our shows. In this afternoon i called him by phone. This e.mail was only his wiev on place where he wants to see and hear Uli. He does to us big damage and bad reputation in your eyes and so... I know that our venue (museum exhibition) is very unusual, but from november 2008 we have laready made about 50 shows with cca 60 artists from czech republic, slovak republic, USA, french, australia,.... We had bands with 5, 6, or 7 members. And there was very fine and very warm atmosphere. And there is very good and close contact between artists and audience. I don´t know what can I do now. It´s like bolt from blue sky.There are some youtube clips from our shows of Iron Butterfly, Eric sardinas and Big Motor, Gwyn Ashton. Marcel Juck, Múzeum obchodu Bratislava, 00421903444872.
Večer mi Stefano odpovedal a vtedy som sa dozvedel, že idiot sa pokúšal už u Palmera:
i have nothing against your club.
This guy allready wrote me about Carl
Palmer ( see below)
and i didn t answer him.
This time he wrote direct
to Uli and this is a problem.
I m going to speak to Uli tomorrow morning
and hope we can find a solution.
------- Messaggio originale
Concert in Bratislava, Slovakia |
Fri, 22 Oct
2010 09:58:22 +0200 |
Igor Babej <igor_babej@hotmail.com> |
A: |
Dear Mr. Palmer,
I am very
pleased about your concert which will be
on 24.03.2011 in Bratislava, Slovakia. But please let me tell
you the truth
about the place, where it
This "concert hall" is fucking
bad place for rock'n'roll !!! !!! !!! It's very small
(long and narrow - only about
Please, if it's
possible, try to contact following music club: ..........is right place for
rock concerts!
Lot of people
here want to enjoy the great
music of Carl Palmer Band!!! So give us the possibility
to have an outstanding music experience we will never forget!
Long live Rock'n'Roll!!!
V pondelok 13.12. mi napísal Uli jon Roth toto a to je
zatiaľ všetko:
Dear Marcel,
I was quite touched by this.
Unfortunately it is too late to get this together now, but I want to say that I would like to come with my band to play for you in the spring.
Obviously this guy has a grudge against you for whatever reason...
It is not good.
I'm truly sorry for the cancellation - please arrange for a new date with Stefano - we have to fit it into our schedule somehow.
I will disregard what the guy said in the email and we will make do with whatever stage...
Ďakujeme všetkým naším priaznivcom,
Múzeum obchodu Bratislava, „Rock v múzeu“.